A Complex Rock Art Object in Ukrainian Steppe
A new paper on the rock art of Kamyana Mohyla has been recently published in Rock Art Research Journal. The study has been performed by New Archaeological School. It reveals a cool story of a multilayered rock art panel creation and its investigation through archaeological and photogrammetric means. The sculpture appeared to be both Mesolithic and Early Bronze Age one.
3D-model available here.
Kamyana Mohyla rock art complex in Ukraine
Radchenko et al. 2020. Radchenko, S., Kotova, N., Nykonenko, D., Dzhos, V., Kiosak, D., Volkov, A. & Tuboltsev, O. A Complex Rock Art Object in Ukrainian Steppe. Rock art research, 37(2): 167—183.
Abstract: A unique rock art site of Kamyana Mohyla in the South-Eastern Ukraine is reach of numerous engravings from different periods. However, interpretation of the most of them requires reshaping in consideration with new recording and interpretation technics. One of such figures was previously considered as mythological dragon originated in the Indo-European texts. Although new research revealed its multilayer structure and proves that it was created and modified during millennia.
Key words: engravings, Ukraine, Kamyana Mohyla, Bronze Age, sandal, Mesolithic.
Figure of a Vishap from one of the Kamyana Mohyla grottoes.

25 November 2020
A Complex Rock Art Object in Ukrainian Steppe
A new paper on the rock art of Kamyana Mohyla has been recently published in Rock Art Research Journal. The study has been performed by New Archaeological School.
21 September 2018
Lords of the Snakes
Team of Institute of Archaeology of Ukraine, New Archaeological School and the "Kamyana Mohyla National reserve" found two unique objects during the excavation of ancient settlement. Ophidian sculptures made of sandstone is dated approximately 7000 BC. This findings is unique for Ukraine Mesolithic Archaeology.
13 September 2018
IFRAO 2018. NAS in Italy
At the end of Archaeological season members of New Archaeological School finally participated international archaeological activity. This year we had presented a paper on the world biggest Congress about Rock Art — IFRAO 2018. This year it was helded in Valcamonica, Northern Italy.
More about our expeditions here in Instagram.
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