Konsulivske hillfort
Konsulivske belongs to the group of hillforts called Late-Scythian. There are 14 such objects around the Kachovske reservoir. Sablukivske, Gavrilovske, Gannovske, Zmievske are among them. These sites exist from II century BC to II century AD. Their investigation is bounded with the extinction of steppe Scythian culture, with the changes in this culture under the pressure of outer influences, for example antic. Konsulivkse hillfort itself located in the Berislav district of Kherson region, near the site of Kamyanska Sich.
Hillfort is a group of ramparts, bounded with stone walls and constructions. Here was fortified citadel on the top of the hill and the territory of the hillfort, defensed with the rampart. Existence of the burial on the nearby hill is also possible. The rampart remained well; it can be defined from the land observing or with the aerial photogrammetry. Separated pitting allowed us to find the constructions on the territory of the hillfort. Besides, main attention was concentrated on the citadel part. Investigated parts include the rampart itself with the remaining of stone fortifications, foundation and fragment of the floor of an ancient building, several household pits. Here was found a quantity of amphora material, tools, including bone. It is obvious that the site is not as rich as the Greek cities on the Black sea. However, it gives the possibility to provide calm and systematic research.
2017 is the fourth year of Konsulivske hillfort investigation. Here works the Ukrainian-Polish Lower-Dnieper expedition. The stuff of it includes the group from the Institute of archaeology of Warsaw University, leaded by Marcin Matera; Ukrainian group from the Khortitsa national reserve, leaded by Dmytro Nykonenko and Nadiia Gavrilyuk (Institute of Archaeology of NAS of Ukraine). New Archaeologic School is represented with the small groups in the Ukrainian part of expedition. Details about our results are represented here.
For New Archaeological School this site is the possibility not only to relax from the Stone and Bronze Age researches, but also to excavate the site with the stone architecture remains, to communicate with the polish colleagues and specialists. Besides, Dmytro Nykonenko invariably pleases with energetic and fruitful approach and the variety of technological methods. During the hillfort investigation we used to work with aerial photogrammetry, quadcopters, geophysics etc. Camp is located on the beach of Kachovske reservoir that allows cooling down after the long work day in steppes.
Works on the site will be continued at least in summer 2018. Process of excavation is represented in our Gallery.

25 November 2020
A Complex Rock Art Object in Ukrainian Steppe
A new paper on the rock art of Kamyana Mohyla has been recently published in Rock Art Research Journal. The study has been performed by New Archaeological School.
21 September 2018
Lords of the Snakes
Team of Institute of Archaeology of Ukraine, New Archaeological School and the "Kamyana Mohyla National reserve" found two unique objects during the excavation of ancient settlement. Ophidian sculptures made of sandstone is dated approximately 7000 BC. This findings is unique for Ukraine Mesolithic Archaeology.
13 September 2018
IFRAO 2018. NAS in Italy
At the end of Archaeological season members of New Archaeological School finally participated international archaeological activity. This year we had presented a paper on the world biggest Congress about Rock Art — IFRAO 2018. This year it was helded in Valcamonica, Northern Italy.
More about our expeditions here in Instagram.
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