IFRAO 2018. NAS in Italy
The story about the Rock Art instances in the Mesolithic layer of Kamyana Mohyla — 1 is more or less known by our participants. That is the legend about strange stones that became the ophidian heads passing through our hands and years of investigation. After almost two years of fruitfull work we have a lot of discussions, 3D-models and other content about them. Finally, trassological experiment seems to be the final point of this discussion. As soon as we found and photographed the tracings on the stones, their artificial context were proved.
Briefly: yes, we found the ophidian heads. We studied them. If our work will be accepted by researchers from all over the world and they’ll agree with us, this will be the point, when we will be able to say: Ukraine has its own instances of Mesolithic Rock Art.
So, we wrote a paper and went to the northern Italy to present it. Why there? The weather is quite good in the northern Italy. Besides, the international congress IFRAO 2018 was helded there and more than 500 archaeologists from all over the world came to talk and to listen.
The city, that hosted the Congress is very small and very pretty. There are a lot of mountains, cool architecture, a lot of bridges, churches, ingravings and restorants. This is obviously great.
But there is something much greater. More than 500 researchers came there. All of them are kind and nice persons. All of them are want to discuss archaeology and to start new collaborations. Feelings of belonging to this wonderfull group of people is hard to describe. And there were a lot of interesting scholars:
Emmanuel Anati (if you don’t know him — just Google it), who noticed, that “listening to others is more important then listening to ourselfes”;
Christofer Chippindale, who announced the era of total 3D-degitalization in Rock Art;
Radoslaw Palonka, who made a friendship with a lot of American indians during his research;
Irina Ponomareva, who rent a car to study the petroglyfs of Eastern Syberia for a few months;
lot of other marvelous scholars — not enough place here to name them all.
Our report was well met. Everything was fine, discussed completely, proven and shown totally. You need to beleive me, cause I didn’t manage to record it or make a photo. Anyway, our experiments and researches with the snake was accepted as persuasive enough. So now, thanks to the work of New Archaeological School, the Mesolithic art in Ukraine became the archaeological reality. We were brilliant as we usually are. Congratulations!

25 November 2020
A Complex Rock Art Object in Ukrainian Steppe
A new paper on the rock art of Kamyana Mohyla has been recently published in Rock Art Research Journal. The study has been performed by New Archaeological School.
21 September 2018
Lords of the Snakes
Team of Institute of Archaeology of Ukraine, New Archaeological School and the "Kamyana Mohyla National reserve" found two unique objects during the excavation of ancient settlement. Ophidian sculptures made of sandstone is dated approximately 7000 BC. This findings is unique for Ukraine Mesolithic Archaeology.
13 September 2018
IFRAO 2018. NAS in Italy
At the end of Archaeological season members of New Archaeological School finally participated international archaeological activity. This year we had presented a paper on the world biggest Congress about Rock Art — IFRAO 2018. This year it was helded in Valcamonica, Northern Italy.
More about our expeditions here in Instagram.
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